Different Initiatives For Saving Hope (DISH GB)

Our Mission:


Giving young people the tools to boost their skills, improve their employability and enhance their innovative ability as entrepreneurs.

business in nigeria

Our Mission

We forge collaborative relationships with institutions and organisations that work towards the development of opportunities for young people. Our work involves both regional & international partners, but we especially encourage local SME’s to recognise emerging talent and open their doors to proactive and enthusiastic young people.

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Making an Impact

There are not enough vibrant industries capable of absorbing the growing number of graduates. Over the years, schemes designed to create employment like apprenticeships and internships have received little investment or attention despite their proven effectiveness. As a consequence, domestic youth unemployment is rising.

Different Initiatives for Saving Hope (DISH) would like encourage young people to realise their potential by becoming innovative and entrepreneurial. We believe these young entrepreneurs should be enabled and equipped to tap into the limitless opportunities contained in all sectors, as well as spurred on to redevelop existing established industries.

It is expected that small non-agricultural household enterprises in both rural and urban areas and the agricultural sector will account for the majority of new jobs in the future. DISH wants to make this prediction a reality.



people in nigeria

the UN projects the population is set to reach 300 million by 2050.




the young are the generation of the future; they will be driving the economy.



youth unemployment rate

figure taken from the National Bureau of Statistics in Nigeria (Q3 2018).


Our Programs

Our programs are designed to help all entrepreneurs on the various stages of their business journey.



This program is designed for future entrepreneurs with the right dreams but little access to funding to start up their ‘ready-to-go’ business.

awards for excellence trophies

We encourage schools to award the gifted & talented. This program is set up to provide schools with trophies that they may give to their best/highest performing students. Building the esteem of young people with rewards and positive affirmation is crucial in setting them up for success in the future.


Some businesses work better through collaboration. This program aims to connect individuals in similar or complementary industries in order to network and ultimately work together.

enterprise network

The Enterprise Network Program is for individuals with innovations that are market-changing or disruptive but do not have access to the right people.

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august 2024

“There are decades where nothing happens; and, there are weeks where decades happen” - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Forbes / Read Full Article



Get Involved

We are always happy to have more volunteers so please feel free to apply. Volunteers are needed in Rwanda, Nigeria and Uganda especially as these locations are the birthplace of DISH’s flagship programs. By volunteering and joining our team, you can have a direct hand in driving the changes needed to bring about a better and brighter future for the young people in these countries.


Sign Up For a Program

Our programs are designed to help all entrepreneurs on the various stages of their business journey.

Volunteer opportunities

Join our team of volunteers in Rwanda, Nigeria and Uganda the birthplaces of our flagship programs.

Make a Donation

All charitable donations go towards DISH’s mission to equip innovative entrepreneurs with the tools to start their business.